
Postby Dapper Dog » Sun Nov 26, 2017 6:17 pm

Population: 38.4 million (54% human, 13% Twi'lek, 24% Zabrak, 9% Other)
Day Length: 26.2 standard hours
Orbital Year Length: 423 standard days
Government: Collapsed and in Exile under Mandalorian control.
Military: Collapsed, Native Resistance Force estimated at 200,000 fighters but poorly equipped.

The planet of Bankor is in the Zulan system along with three other planets, two gas giants and two terrestrial worlds. Bankor is the third planet from the star, Zulan. The innermost world is a a super heated gas giant called Nylar, next is a small terrestrial world named Bolza and then beyond Bankor is the massive gas giant, Hanos. Bankor has no native intelligent species, but was colonized by the Republic nearly a century ago, the most recent wave of arrivals were Zabrak refugees from Imperial controlled worlds. Bankor has two moons, a small mishappen satellite about 1200 kilometers across and a much larger moon about 1/5 the size of Bankor named Altair and Olandis respectively.

The Zabrak have a rather large population living in the slums of the cities and often taking work where they can as farm hands or doing low skill labor in the cities. They are looked down on and receive a lot of prejudice as brutes or just in general poor uncouth laborers.

The population centers are thick with industry and although there is no native intelligent species there are ruins from past attempts to colonize the planet, some dating back several thousand years. Bankor has three major continents with a fourth continent situated at the northern pole, the more populated continent of Veras is home to the original colony and the de facto capital of Bankor, Veras City. A major industrial region, currently under the control of the Mandalorians who have made it their headquarters. It is a predominantly temperate continent in the southern hemisphere with beautiful coastlines and a central desert

Across the ocean is Givak, a rugged landscape with fertile plains and hills this is where the majority of the Zabraks settled that chose not to live in Veras City, and the initial insertion point for the Republic Forces just outside the coastal city of Uthin Mal.

The sparsely populated third continent is Yuvas and is mostly arid with a vicious jungle in the north and eastern portions of the continent. There are some small homesteads and villages but no major settlements.

The native wild life of Bankor is numerous and varied though it has some common features. The world does not have any native insect life which leads to the fauna and flora having a more symbiotic relationship and creatures that blur the line between plant and animal. Another evolutionary trait is that animal species on this world evolved four eyes instead of the more common two on other worlds. Avian creatures lack feathers and have fur instead, and can grow to rather large size.
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Bankor President

Postby Dapper Dog » Thu Mar 29, 2018 1:34 am

President Valoj.jpg
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Put in power by the Mandalorian forces, President Yugor Valoj, he runs the day to day affairs of the government such that it is in the name of the Mandalorian invasion force. He is a ruthless politician who schemed his way to the top, or so they say and now runs the puppet government mostly to enrich himself and make sure he is in a good position to take advantage of the situation for himself and family.

He is hated by the Bankor Resistance and the feeling is mutual, he feels their continued interference will only bring more misery than good.
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